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번호 제목 작성자 등록일 조회수
69 [영어논문]  The Allocation of Social Labor and “Marx’s Identities” - a Rejoinder to Rieu and Park 경상국립대학교 2024.02.01 33
68 [영어논문]  Literature, Economics, and Historical Materialism: Marx on Defoe’s Crusoe and the Conceptualization of Feudalism in Capital 경상국립대학교 2023.09.23 161
67 [영어논문]  The Value Expression of Labor Time and the Rate of Surplus Value: Further Issues on the Inverse Transformation Method 경상국립대학교 2023.09.23 131
66 [영어논문]  Praxis, Nature and Eurocentrism International Discussion around Critical Theory: Contributions of Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez, Bolívar Echeverría, Alfred Schmidt 경상국립대학교 2023.09.23 6
65 [영어논문]  A Revised Proof of the Labor Theory of Value: Based on Marginalist Principle 경상국립대학교 2023.03.06 36
64 [영어논문]  Surplus value transfers and productivity 경상국립대학교 2022.08.24 38
63 [영어논문]  Class, History and Value Theory : Marx’s Critique of Trinity Formula Anjan Chakrabarti 2022.02.07 159
62 [영어논문]  Rate of Profit, Cost Price, and Turnover of Capital Hideto Akashi 2021.09.02 342
61 [영어논문]  Marxism with Korean Characteristics Re-reading the Marxist Analyses of Japanese Colonialism in Korea by Korean Diasporic Revolutionaries in the USSR in the 1920-30s Vladimir.Tikhono 2021.07.06 393
60 [영어논문]  Slavoj Zizek’s Political Philosophy 김현강 2021.01.14 646